1HE END OF OLD GUJARATA: DAYARAMA 225 Old Gujarata died with Dayarama; from its ashes, new Gujarata, phoenix-like, was born with Narmadashankar. NOTE A. MINOR POETS. The principal among the minor authors and their notable works may be mentioned: DevidSsa, (1604) the author of Rukmittiharana; Sivad£sa Virji, the author of Surcktiaharana and Haridasa, the author of Sttaviraka (1666), both pupils of Premananda; Mukunda, the author of Bhaktam&a (1665); VaJlabhabhita (1700), the author of well-known garabis; Kaiidasa (c. 1725), the author of PrMadaktiayana; Bapu Saheb Gaekv^da (1779-1843), a member of the ruling family of Baroda, the author of many well-known bhajanas; Giradhara, (1787-1852), the author of a well-known Gujarat! rendering of R&riayanal Muktananda (176HL824), the author of Uddheivagta', Nishkula- nanda (1821) and ManjukesSnanda, the followers of Swaminarayana. Among poetesses may be mentioned Divalibai (1791), Radhabai (1834), Krshnabal, and Gauribai (1759) who was a Vedantin and an adept in Yoga. 29